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Available Lists:

Animals in Need

This is a mailing list to advertise animals who need homes, and other related items.

Eisenhower Reunions - Class of 1996

This list is strictly for information relating to reunions for Eisenhower High School class of 1996.

Las Vegas Visits, etc.

This is a list meant for those who currently live in Las Vegas, previously lived in Las Vegas, or are otherwise associated with Las Vegas. The primary purpose of this list is to let people know when I will be in Las Vegas for a visit. I keep people who previously lived in Las Vegas on the list in case they are visiting the same time I am.

Only subscribers may view this list's message archives. If you are already a subscriber to this list, you will need to create a Pro Dada Profile and be logged in to view the Archives. Click here to beign the registration process or log in. updates

Updates to the web pages

Random Stuff

This is a list to share news about things I think are interesting (like SpaceShipOne related stuff) or things I think would be helpful (like finding items for people in need).

Only subscribers may view this list's message archives. If you are already a subscriber to this list, you will need to create a Pro Dada Profile and be logged in to view the Archives. Click here to beign the registration process or log in.

Rebecca Updates

This is a mailing list for me to share what's going on in my life with family, friends, and acquaintances in order to keep in touch with everyone easily.

Only subscribers may view this list's message archives. If you are already a subscriber to this list, you will need to create a Pro Dada Profile and be logged in to view the Archives. Click here to beign the registration process or log in.
