Date: November 11th 2006

Hey everyone,

Thanks again to those who were able to make it to the 10-year reunion. A few more pictures have been posted to the gallery, and I hope more people will still come forward with their pictures.

Now that the 10-year is over, it's time to give some thought toward the next reunion. Marlenna announced that she wasn't planning on doing the 20-year, so it was up for grabs. I heard rumors that Carlina (Salters) Payne was interested in planning the 20-year and Joyce Skeens was interested in planning the 15-year. Also, Iman Tryon contacted me saying that she is interested in planning the 15-year. From the feedback I've received from people who weren't able to make it to the 10-year, it sounds like a 15-year reunion would be very welcome. So we'll probably plan on having a reunion every 5 years.

I would be very interested in helping out with the 15-year, 20-year, and so on. I'm good at keeping in touch with people and already have a lot of information from planning this reunion. I sent Joyce an email earlier today. Potentially our 15-year committee will consist of Joyce, Iman, and myself. If anyone else is interested to be on the committee, please let us know. All of the real planning details can be worked out later, but I wanted to at least let people know that one is in the works.

I had gone through all 4 yearbooks and put together a spreadsheet listing everyone who was in our class during any of those 4 years (regardless of whether or not they actually graduated from IKE). I have 95 physical addresses and 88 email addresses. This mailing list has 123 addresses, so I know there are some people who signed up that I haven't matched to their names on the spreadsheet.

Since I already have so much information and am good at keeping things organized, I propose that I be the one to collect everyone's contact info. If you provided it to the reunion company, but not to me, then I don't have it, so please pass it on to me. If you signed up for the mailing list, but didn't tell me who you are, would you mind sending me an email so I can update my spreadsheet?

Also, please try to remember to keep me updated with new contact info over the years. I plan to send an email through the mailing list about once a year to remind people to let me know if they've moved. If you happen to know any fellow classmates, be sure to send them my way to sign up for the mailing list. The mailing list should be extremely low volume until about a year or so before the next reunion. The tentative date would be Saturday, June 11, 2011.

For this next reunion, we are going to try to do it without a reunion company. There were pros and cons using one this year and I'm sure there will be pros and cons to not using one. Then for our 20-year, we will have the experience of both and can build on lessons learned from each. Ideally, we'll get better at this each time.

Please feel free to share your ideas on the MySpace Group. It would be nice to use the bulletin boards to keep in better touch with each other over the next 5 years. And of course I always welcome emails!

On another note, if you are trying to get in contact with on old classmate, let me know and I may be able to help. I won't pass on contact info without permission, but I can let you know if I have any contact info for the person you're looking for and pass along your info to them.

-Rebecca Pease

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