Date: August 25th 2009

Cinnamon and Licorice need a new home - a friend's girlfriend is deathly allergic to them, literally so, with Albuterol and Epinephrine inhalers handy. They are both from the same litter and located in Mojave. I am willing to drive them to their new homes. Basically anywhere in California (Southern or Bay Area) and possibly Vegas is within driving distance for me. I will be driving to Calimesa on Wed, Sept. 2nd, so I have the ability to drop off anywhere in the Inland Empire that day.

Pictures may be viewed here:

Here are some lively descriptions from their current human:

Cinnamon loves to writhe on the the floor or some random object (plastic bags are a fave) while getting her tummy rubbed. REALLY rubbed. Scrub-your-fingers-back-and-forth-while-fur-flies rubbed. While purring and stretching, with the occasional "peer through the paws like a kitten" pose.

Few things are more dangerous than a cute cat who knows she's cute. Sometimes she'll do this passive-aggressive flop on her back and stretch maneuver that looks like a deliberate "I'm cute, dammit!" pose. She can hold that for five, ten minutes, subtly waving for attention.

Cinnamon is, alas, slightly brighter than a rusty shovel, and is the original scaredy cat. Has been known to hide under a chair when I get home from a trip, because after a week she has NO idea who I am.

Licorice doesn't pose, he politely asks permission to get up in my lap with a gentle touch on my leg. I push back from my desk and pat my legs, he jumps up smoothly (no claws, he's polite), then stretches out and drapes a paw over my wrist.

Licorice also likes tummy rubs, but has to pretend he can't tell what I'm doing. He's sorta bashful that way.

Although neutered at six weeks and now six years old, Licorice has a magnificent neck ruff and looks like a ten pound glossy black lion. His fur is amazingly fine and silky, which is kept in control with a furminator brush.

If interested, please email Feel free to contact me if you need help with transportation.


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