Eisenhower Reunions - Class of 1996 Archives


More Photos of the Reunion

December 19th 2006

Hey everyone, For those of you who ordered a Photo CD from the Reunion Company, you should be getting it any time. I got mine yesterday. For those of you who didn't, you can view the pictures here: http://www.photoreflect.com/pr3/thumbpage.aspx?e=2435639 There are some pictures of Notre Dame alumni in our candid album and at least a couple pictures of us in their candid album: http://www.photoreflect.com/pr3/thumbpage.aspx?e=2435672 It looks like the Photo CD only includes the candids (of the one ...Continue Reading

Sad Passing - Mr. Jeff Perkins

December 13th 2006

I'm not sure how many of you had Mr. Jeff Perkins as a teacher. I had him for 10th grade Honors History. I really liked him. I just found out that he passed away last Friday (Dec 8). He had been fighting cancer and it went to his brain. They discovered the first cancer when they were getting ready to do some back surgery. He went through chemo and seemed to be doing very well. Then the cancer came back and moved to his brain. There are no plans for a service per his wishes. The only "service ...Continue Reading

15-year reunion is in the works!

November 11th 2006

Hey everyone, Thanks again to those who were able to make it to the 10-year reunion. A few more pictures have been posted to the gallery, and I hope more people will still come forward with their pictures. http://www.photoninja.net/gallery/IKE96reunion-10yr Now that the 10-year is over, it's time to give some thought toward the next reunion. Marlenna announced that she wasn't planning on doing the 20-year, so it was up for grabs. I heard rumors that Carlina (Salters) Payne was interested in plann ...Continue Reading

Pictures to Share and Biography Book Left Behind

November 5th 2006

I would like to thank all of you who were able to come; we had a decent turnout. I would especially like to thank my fellow committee members, Marlenna and Jessie. It was great talking to those of you with whom I was able. There were several of you whom I had meant to talk with before the night was over, but that somehow didn't happen; sorry about that. Did anyone happen to get any contact info for Desi Candari? I never got any during the preparation for the reunion and he's not listed in the Bio ...Continue Reading

Wednesday is Last Day to Buy Tickets!

October 30th 2006

Hey everyone, As promised, here is my last reminder that Wednesday, November 1st, is the last day to purchase tickets for the reunion. You may purchase them online here: http://www.creativereunions.com/schools2006/eisenhower96.html Or use the ticket form provided to you in the invitation and fax to (310) 530-5998. If you need to make your purchase after Wednesday, call Creative Reunions at 1-800-700-6607 to see if you can make special arrangements. We look forward to seeing you all on Saturday!! ...Continue Reading

Potential Ticket Charge Error

October 23rd 2006

Hi there, If you've already purchased your tickets, be sure to check your credit card charge to make sure it's accurate. I noticed that I was overcharged by $10 when purchasing two tickets and other items. I contacted Creative Reunions and they said they will refund my $10 and that they have fixed the problem in their computer. I don't know if they automatically corrected any previous errors when fixing the problem or not. I also don't know if the error was in the ticket price or the other items ...Continue Reading

Only two days left before ticket prices go up!

October 18th 2006

Hey everyone, I just wanted to send a quick reminder that you only have two days left to purchase your tickets at $85 each. After Oct 20th, the prices will raise to $95 each. You have unil Nov 1st to purchase tickets at the $95 price and then you'll have to make special arrangements directly with Creative Reunions. You may purchase your tickets online at: http://www.creativereunions.com/schools2006/eisenhower96.html Also, if you haven't already done so, please complete and mail in your Biograp ...Continue Reading

Invitations Are On Their Way!

October 12th 2006

Hey everyone, I received my invitation in the mail today, so if you haven't already gotten yours, you should be getting it soon! We know we sound like a broken record, but with time running so short, we wanted to send out a few reminders: TICKET PRICE The price raises to $95 after October 20th (currently tickets are $85 each). Ticket price includes Dinner, Biography Book, Photo Name Badge, No Host Bar, and Discounted Rates at Pala Casino and Resort. BIOGRAPHY BOOK Creative Reunions needs the Biog ...Continue Reading

Purchase Your Tickets Soon - November 4th is Almost Here!

October 6th 2006

November 4th is fast approaching and we know you have not received official invitations yet (sorry for the delay everyone) but we want to encourage everyone to go ahead and purchase your tickets by going directly to the website: http://www.creativereunions.com/schools2006/eisenhower96.html Tickets will be available through November 1st, but remember, the ticket price will increase by $10 after October 20th, so purchase soon! If you need to purchase after November 1st, call 1-800-700-6607 to see i ...Continue Reading

Request for IKE Memorabilia & hotel info

August 25th 2006

Hello everyone, No, we have not forgotten about you! The reunion is only a couple months away now (Nov 4th), so we'd like to provide you with a little more information and we have a request. First of all, if you have already given me your address and you did not get something in the mail from CreativeReunions, don't fret. CreativeReunions only sent out notices to people's whose addresses weren't yet confirmed. They have access to various databases (such as change of address) used to locate people ...Continue Reading
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